Lookout tower Bára II
Shortly after its completion, the observation tower Bára was damaged by a powerful storm of a tornado F2 category. Several days later, it was decided to build a new tower on the same spot. They are built using a unique type of construction similar to a hollow stack - planks laid on each other with interspersed boards. Its specific feature is the variable height of the structure, depending on the actual moisture of the wood. The height of the tower varies in the range of 30-cm. Wind bracing and anchoring is made with a unique system of fixed and floating ropes, blacks and rackles and blocking elements connected with a meteorological station. The oak staircase is suspended from the observation deck. The construction was published in the book "The Incredible Story of the Tower" (“Neuvěřitelný příběh věže”), and in a documentary film. The construction was published on the Archiweb server, the Architect magazine 01/2010, the Timber construction Yearbook “Salon dřevostaveb” 2009 and in the book Česká architektura 2008/2009.
Architect: E-Mrak - Martin Rajniš architectural firm.
Location: Chrudim – Podhůra
GPS: 49°54'58.68"S / 15°46'50.43"W
Investor: Urban Forests Chrudim
Construction Completion: 9/2009
Total height: 24.8 m
Photo: Andrea Lhotáková